
The Edinburgh Fringe is not just about comedy gigs. It is also about comedy chat and discussions about the nature and essence of humour. Starting today (Wednesday, August 13) the Centre for Comedy... more
As the Edinburgh Fringe enters its second week shows that I’m hearing about can start to be divided into two distinct categories. The ones that publicists are pushing and the ones that critics and... more
Simon Evans
In past years the London comedy circuit would virtually shut down during the Edinburgh Festival, but for a combination of different reasons various Edinburgh regulars are spending this summer in the... more
Frankie Boyle
Can’t make it to the Edinburgh Fringe this week? No problem. Set up camp in W1 for the Phoenix Fringe. If Edinburgh is all about diversity, the Phoenix is pretty diverse too. Frankie Boyle is doing a... more
Daniel KitsonAs usual comedy’s most gifted performer did things his own way this year, announcing these midnight stand-up shows after the Fringe brochure was printed. Advance tickets still sold out... more
I know that Edinburgh should be about looking forward rather than looking back, but 2014 may be the year that more previous Edinburgh Comedy Award winners are appearing at the Festival than ever... more
umbilical brothers
The Edinburgh Fringe is not all about young kids flying straight out of the womb and onto the stage. There are plenty of more, how shall we put it, experienced performers who have been around the... more
Anthony Jeselnik
Most comedy eyes are currently looking towards Edinburgh, but not everything is Scotland-bound this week. There are still some pretty interesting shows happening in London too. America's Anthony... more
Alfie Brown
Alfie Brown was one of the first comedians I wrote about when I launched this website. He had a dodgy gig at the 99 Club, which was half-stand-up comedy, half-philosophical debate, but he definitely... more
Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy
The first series of Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy in 2012 received such bad write-ups you’d have thought the Mighty Boosh star was killing babies live on TV. His psychedelic sense of humour just... more
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