Kim Noble

Review: Kim Noble, Lullaby For Scavengers, Soho Theatre

They say every picture tells a story but the picture here doesn't really say much about Kim Noble's new show Lullaby For Scavengers. Maybe you get a sense of the performer's isolation and alienation, but you don't see the stuffed squirrel, random scrotum or live maggots that feature prominently in this provocative, powerful multi-media production.


News: New Podcast From Kim Noble With Julian Barratt, Adam Buxton and Kim’s Mum

Award-winning performance artist and comedian Kim Noble is set to launch a brand new 10-part podcast entitled ‘Futile Attempts (At Surviving Tomorrow)’, with weekly episodes released on all Podcast Apps, from 19th August.  


News: Controversial Comedian's Latest Move – Children's Theatre

Controversial performer Kim Noble's latest project is every bit as surprising as his previous projects.

Noble, who won the Perrier Best Newcomer Award with Stuart Silver in 2000, has previously made waves with shows about suicide and his mental health issues. His ground-breaking multi-media performances have been sexually explicit and graphically transgressive.


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