Jenny Bede

Video: Jenny Bede – Warning: Video Definitely Contains Nuts

Comedian Jenny Bede marks International Men's Day with a brand new music video that features testicles. Or, to put it another way, warning - this video contains nuts.



Interview: Rarely Asked Questions – Jenny Bede

It is often said that the best comedians make you see the world in a fresh way. Well, Jenny Bede has certainly done that with her answer to my first question. Bede is the first comedian to point out that it doesn't actually make any sense. I may have to reconsider every life decision I have ever made. But before then I'll go and see her new show, Eggtime. Bede is best known for her viral videos, which have attracted millions and millions of YouTube hits.

News: Comedians Make Anti-Tampon Tax Video

Comedians Cariad Lloyd and Jenny Bede have made a pop video spoof to fight the 5% VAT on tampons.

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