
Edinburgh Fringe To Showcase TikTok Stars

For one night only, TikTok is set to showcase a handful of the platform's top comedy performers at the  Edinburgh Festival Fringe. The show will take place at the Udderbelly on 14th August 2024 at 21.15 (2 hours).

Hosted by Coco Sarel. Starring Joanne McNally, Fatiha El-Ghorri, Abi Clarke, Christopher Hall, Henry Rowley, Kim Blythe, Shabaz Ali, Reuben Kaye & Sugarcoated Sisters plus more to be announced.


TikTok Returns As Official Virtual Stage Of Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2023

TikTok is proud to return as the Official Virtual Stage for Edinburgh Fringe 2023.

For the second year running, we'll be working with this one-of-a-kind celebration of performing arts, helping to bring its artists and shows to even bigger audiences than ever before through TikTok.


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