Rich Wilson

News: Men's Mental Health Podcast Spins Off With Series Interviewing Powerful Women

Men’s Mental Health podcast Insane In The Men Brain is to launch a spin-off series in which host Rich Wilson interviews influential women.


News: Richard Herring, Rich Wilson, Adam Buxton Podcasts Nominated for First Pod Bible Awards

Comedian Rich Wilson's acclaimed podcast Insane In The Men Brain has been nominated for an award in the first Pod Bible Poll. Wilson's podcast, which looks at men's mental health and more, is nominated in the Social Conscience category.


News: Comedian Raises Funds to Give Bed-Bound Woman A Bath

Stand-up comedian Rich Wilson has successfully raised the money for a bed-bound woman to have her own bath that she can get into.

Wilson set up a gofundme page and raised the necessary £300 for a specially-made inflatable bed-bath from America for Faye Talbot, who has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and cannot stand or walk.


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