Mark Maier

Comedian Faces Anti-Semitic Heckle At Gig

Comedian Mark Maier has spoken about having to deal with anti-semitic heckles at a gig earlier this month.

The award-winning stand-up was performing  at Great Dunmow Comedy Club on May 6. When he was talking about his German father when an audience member shouted "I thought you'd be Jewish with that nose".


Video: Comedian Mark Maier Offers Advice On 2 Meeters

Comedian Mark Maier has some tips for you on social distancing so that you can make sure you are two metres, sorry, 2 metters, away from other people at all times during the Coronavirus pandemic .

It involves a tape measure and includes an ingenious way of purchasing a bag of Monster Munch.

Watch Mark Maier in his short information film 2 Meeters Below.


News: London Comic Wins Stand-Up's Biggest Cash Prize

Comedian Mark Maier has won the Petfringe Final, which claims to offer the winner the biggest cash prize in stand-up – £10,001 - a pound more than the Edinburgh Comedy Award.

Organiser Andy Stedman said that this year's competition  in Petworth, Sussex "was probably the best line-up and set of performances I’ve seen in one room on the same night."


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