
Live Review: Miles Jupp, Bloomsbury Theatre

Miles Jupp is one of what seems to be an ever-growing band of gigging comedians who are talking about their recent brushes with death-by-ill-health. There's Richard Herring, Rhod Gilbert, Laura Smyth and Janey Godley. Plus, coming up, Matt Forde and Mark Steel, who as satirists may or may not bring their recent cancer treatments into their next shows. 


Miles Jupp Adds Irish Shows To On I Bang Tour

Miles Jupp had added Irish dates to his current acclaimed On I Bang tour. 


Miles Jupp Extends Tour Due To Demand

Miles Jupp has extended his acclaimed On I Bang tour due to demand. He has now added more dates in Sheffield, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Leamington Spa, Plymouth, Worcester, Bury St Edmunds, Frome, London, Andover, Ipswich, Wimborne, Reading & Guildford. See listings and ticket link below.


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