
Taskmaster Interview: Julian Clary

What made you sign up to Taskmaster?

It’s right up my street because it’s relentlessly silly. You never get bored doing it because you don’t know what’s coming next. It’s very clever. Even on studio days, we didn’t know what tasks they were going to show. It’s been fascinating. I did Big Brother once, and you get conditioned in Big Brother after three weeks, to the extent that when I came out I didn’t know how to cross the road without being told.


Julian Clary Wins Bath Comedy Festival Award

Director Nick Steel has given this year’s Bath Plug Award (for outstanding services to comedy) to Julian Clary, at the end of a hilarious one-off performance at Bath Forum which heralded the end of this year’s Bath Comedy Festival.

Co-creator of the Bath Plug Award, Comedy Historian and Author Jem Roberts said:


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