iain lee

News: Iain Lee Leaves Talk Radio

Broadcaster Iain Lee has left Talk Radio after four eventful years.

He announced the news that his final show was last night on his Facebook page with the following statement:

"I no longer work at talkRADIO.

I’ve been waiting for a while to find out if my contract was going to be renewed and today I was finally told that, no, it isn’t.

I won’t be going back on air. My last show was last night’s (which I thought was a little dull, a 5 out of 10 only! Out with a whimper!)


News: Iain Lee Comes Out As Bisexual

Broadcaster and comedian Iain Lee has come out as bisexual.

Speaking on his TalkRADIO show he said that he was seeing a therapist after being in a car accident and his marriage ending: “He’s helped me realise that I’m probably bisexual...So I guess I’m coming out. This is me coming out, I suppose is how they would call it, at the age of 46, and I’m terrified by it.”


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