Adam Bloom

Book: Finding Your Comic Genius: An In-Depth Guide To The Art Of Stand-Up Comedy By Adam Bloom

In my head I often imagine an alternative bizarro world where the likes of Boothby Graffoe and Phil Kay are primetime household names rather than maverick outliers. Adam Bloom is someone else who really should be a lot more famous. He's certainly got the respect of his comedy circuit peers after nearly thirty years in the business. And this book should earn him even more respect. It calls itself an in-depth guide to stand-up, but at times it feels so knowledgeable it seems like a stand-up bible.


Video: Comedian Adam Bloom Injures Himself Onstage

Stand-up comedy can be a dangerous business sometimes. Particularly when you try to be spontaneous. At a gig recently at Butlin's in Skegness Adam Bloom decided to go into the audience after an incident with a man who pulled his trousers down, but as he was walking off the stage he bumped his head on something hanging above him. Blood immediately started poruing from the wound, but luckily some helpful audience members saved the day - by throwing tampons at him.


Opinion: A Boil on the Bum of the Comedy Circuit

Clarification – The Comedy Club referred to throughout this article is not to be confused with the entirely different "The Comedy Club Ltd" which does not run any regular comedy clubs in central London but does put on special comedy nights and books comedians for events and corporate functions. There is no association between the two organisations.

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