News: Stewart Lee Does Four Different Things At Festival

Stewart Lee is to appear at the Sea Change Festival in Devon. Doing four different things. That's right. Four different appearances by Stewart Lee at the event, which takes place from 24-26 May. 

During the weekend, Stewart will be presenting a conversation about the documentary - King Rocker - he is making with director Michael Cumming and producer James Nicholls. The film focuses on seminal post-punks The Nightingales, who will be playing live! Stewart will also be interviewing musicians Sandra Kerr and John Faulkner as part of our Bagpuss show (including Bagpuss himself!). In a very special session, Stewart will be posing questions to Michael Cumming about his Oxide Ghosts film. The film - a very personal tribute to Brass Eye, the series that Michael directed between 1995-1997 - will have a very rare screening. He will also be doing a performance of new material.

Sea Change is an intimate festival featuring music, art, culture, food and drinks in Totnes + Dartington, Devon. It was founded by the award-winning Drift Record Shop who lovingly curate the event with their favourite thinkers, speakers and players.

More info about the festival and tickets here.

Watch this short film Stewart Lee has made about his Sea Change appearance below.



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