
There seems to be no stopping the inexorable rise of clowning on the Fringe. Ever since Dr Brown won the Edinburgh Comedy Award in 2012 I feel as as I have been inundated by press releases mentioning... more
In my head Mike Wozniak has a little place in Edinburgh Fringe history. Long before free shows were sweeping the awards board his gratis gig in the basement of a restaurant near the Pleasance was the... more
ivor dembina
I've got a confesion to make. When I saw Ivor Dembina in Edinburgh a couple of years ago I nominated him for A Dave Award. Not for the Best Joke of the Fringe but for the Worst Joke of the Fringe.... more
Maybe satire does work a bit after all. Perhaps Jonny & The Baptists’ persistent UKIP-bashing played its part in the fact that Nigel Farage didn’t sweep to victory in the General Election. Or... more
Pete firman
Every few years on slow news days journalists dust off the old “magic is the new rock and roll” story. This year, though, it might almost be true. As well as Derren Brown touring, there are two major... more
Paul sinha
As we’ve explained previously comedian Luke Toulson took the problem of getting preview slots by the scruff of the neck and set up his own comedy night on Wednesdays at Crack Comedy. He has been... more
Joe Lycett
To be perfectly honest I don’t know why I’m bothering to tip Joe Lycett. Partly because I’ve only just run a fabulous interview with him here, but mainly because he hardly needs my help. Not even... more
People just do nothing
At first glance you might think that People Just Do Nothing is pretty niche youth programming from BBC3. A fly-on-the-wall documentary about a bunch of baseball capped no-marks running a pirate radio... more
Lolly Adefope
Lolly Adefope was already on my list of people to tip for Edinburgh, honest, and then last night she made it through to the final of the inaugural Magners Comedy Act 2015. A the final Adefope will be... more
David Elms
It’s tempting to put performers into a box. I was thinking about that when I wrote about Joseph Morpurgo and the same applies to David Elms. I first came across Elms at the Musical Comedy Awards in... more
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