News: New Comedy Horror Podcast Showcasing Female And Non-Binary Comedy Writers

News: New Comedy Horror Podcast Featuring Female And Non-Binary Comedy Writers.

Comedians Charlie Dinkin and Zoe Tomalin have launched a new comedy-horror podcast. SeanceCast is a ten episode series featuring sketches from new and emerging female and non-binary comedy writers.

The show sees Charlie and Zoe conducting seances at locations ranging from the mundane (Zoe’s high school in Arran) to the constrained (the changing room of a high street fast fashion chain), in order to gather scenes from The Beyond. Brave listeners should expect the unexpected, as these dark and hilarious 15 minute episodes provide glimpses of Super Realistic MILF Hotlines, flash mob proposals 10,000 leagues under the sea, police appeals for more podcast listeners, a never-ending hen do, and much, much more... 

Alongside Charlie and Zoe, this innovative format features sketches from 14 new and emerging female and non-binary comedy writers, including Catherine Brinkworth, Tasha Dhanraj, Jen Ives, Athena Kugblenu, Shelf (Ruby Clyde & Rachel Watkeys Dowie), Heidi Regan, Emerald Paston, Charlie V Martin, Siân Docksey, Atlanta Green, Jain Edwards, Georgia Wagstaff & Kate Hinksman.

The cast includes Ghosts star Kiell Smith-Bynoe, Nimisha Odedra, Amy Gledhill, Alison Thea-Skot, Kathryn Bond, Toussaint Douglas, Mali Ann Rees and Jen Ives.
Charlie says: "It’s a real honour to be able to to showcase the work of so many of my favourite comedy writers (who are obviously women), and I’ve done an absolutely fantastic job too."
Zoe says: "It was a joy to collaborate with such a brilliant bunch of new writers on SeanceCast. It’s a shame that Charlie and I used a real Ouija board in the promo pictures so now everyone who worked on the show is going to die."

Claire Broughton, Head of Podcasts at Hat Trick says: "We were so excited to be able to get such a great pool of talent together for this. Helmed by the excellent duo of Charlie, Zoe, and expertly produced by Ben Sutton, it’s going to be great to have some brilliant sketch comedy to look forward to each week."

SeanceCast is produced by Benjamin Sutton for Hat Trick. 




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