News: Comedy Sports Clip Show Comes to ITV

News: Comedy Sports Quiz Comes to ITV
Zone of Champions is a new ITV comedy clip show presented by Jack Bullman and Nicky Brimble – better known as comic actors John Thomson and Jessica Knappett.
This is the show where we see anything from a horse playing football to escalator racing pensioners – all in the guise of epic sporting contests.
This new six-part series will celebrate the bizarre and the wonderful where everything is a sport and anyone can be crowned a Champion. Jack and Nicky will be on hand in the state-of-the-art Zone of Champions news studio to provide comedic analysis of anything from long jumping cats to owl rhythmic gymnastics.
In this actioned packed show, we will see a glorious stream of hilarious and unique sporting events captured on camera as we feature funny viral video’s, unusual TV moments and oddball archive clips, all put together with the wit and charm of scripted comedy to create a world of made up ludicrous competitive events, which will leave you wanting more.
We celebrate the amazing world of sport shown through these hilarious clips, but which moment's will be crowned a Champion?
John Thomson said:  "I’m always amazed at what is captured on camera, there are some real belters in this show and I'm looking forward to sharing these clips with the viewers at home.” 
Jessica Knappett said: “What surprised me most about working on Zone of Champions was just how many domestic pets have been overlooked as serious athletes until now. Brilliant television? You’ll never need to go outside again.”
Ben Kelly, Commissioner, Entertainment at ITV said: It’s a real pleasure to have John and Jess providing the comedic glue to this assortment of sports that don’t look like sports, but totally are sports. If you’ve ever wanted to see the finals of the world’s angriest goose competition or advanced canine gymnastics (regional heats) then Zone of Champions is the place for you.
Tim Allsop, executive producer said “For too long television has overlooked the sporting events that the fans really want to see. Luckily ITV has come to its senses and I’m proud to be bringing the group stages of semi-professional Sheep Rugby back to where it belongs. Saturday nights.” 
Zone of Champions is commissioned by Ben Kelly, Commissioner, Entertainment at ITV. The executive producers are, Tim Allsop and Andrew Newman and Series Producer Mark Lucey, Spelthorne Community Television.


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