News: British Comedian Joins Writing Team Of US Four Weddings and a Funeral Remake

British comedian Phoebe Walsh has joined the writing team of the American anthology series based on the hit movie Four Weddings And A Funeral. The series is being made for the streaming service Hulu.

London-based Talent agency Hatch tweeted: "We're delighted to announce is headed to LA to join the writing team on Mindy Kaling's 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' Anthology for Hulu "

Original writer of the film Richard Curtis will be executive producer. Hollywood Reporter has announced that the series is penned by Mindy Kaling and Matt Warburton. 

Walsh was previously part of sketch group Oyster Eyes and has written for TV shows including C4's 'The Anna and Katy Show', E4's 'The Midnight Beast' and 4 music's sketch show 'Popsludge.' 

She has appeared in TV shows including Daniel Simonsen's C4 Blaps and has been a regular in BBC2's 'The Javone Prince Show' and  All4's Webscam.

She did her first solo show, I'll Have What She's Having, at last year's Edinburgh Fringe. 


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