News: TV Series For Stephen Grant

Comedian Stephen Grant is to co-present a new TV series looking at unusual ways to solve everyday problems.

How Hacks Work is a factual entertainment pop-science series that looks at the best, worst and weirdest ways to solve issues using unusual items or ideas.

Each episode will feature clips covering a specific theme including cooking, technology, cars, sport, health and DIY, culminating in a grand finale “epic hack.” Comedians Laura Lexx and anarchist cook George Egg have also been filmed for the series.

Grant will be co-presenting with Mike Sansom (pictured). Grant wrote on Facebook: "I've blowtorched gunpowder, malleted nitro glycerine, started a chemical bonfire, walked away from a petrol explosion and had sulphuric acid rinsed off my face (note: it stings). And we've still got 28 episodes to go."

The series will air on Viasat Explore in 87 countries in 2018. A UK broadcast deal is still to be confirmed. The distributor TCB will present the show to buyers at Mipcom next month. 


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