News: The Windsors To Return To C4 For A Second Series

The Windsors is to return to Channel Four for a second series. The spoof soap sending up the royal family has proved to be a hit and has been recommissioned. The first series is due to finish tonight.

In a story in the Radio Times C4's comedy head Phil Clarke said: “We’re a nation who appears to enjoy poking fun at the institution of the monarchy almost as much as we enjoy staring at a hospital door waiting for a royal baby to be born and I am delighted to welcome The Windsors back to Channel 4 comedy for a second series.” 

The series, written by Bert Tyler-Moore and George Jeffrie and starring Harry Enfield, Haydn Gwynne, Morgana Robinson, Louise Ford and Hugh Skinner, launched with an impressive 2.2 million viewers and is currently attracting at 1.6 million per episode.


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