Oscar Isaac Reveals The British Comedians That Inspired His Voice In New Series

Actor Oscar Isaac has revealed the British comedians whose accents he drew on when he was working on his latest character in Moon Knight.

Isaac plays Steven Grant, a gift shop employee who has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) but does not realise it yet.

He told NME: "“I thought, ‘What’s an energy that I haven’t seen in the MCU before? Like, what if someone asked Peter Sellers to be in a Marvel movie,” Isaac recalls, before name-checking an even more surprising figure from the British comedy world. “And then I thought of Karl Pilkington,” he adds. “I was watching a lot of An Idiot Abroad, not so much for the accent, but for the comedy of it: like, you often don’t know if he knows he’s being funny. And there’s something a little bit naturally introverted about him, which I really liked a lot.”

At this point, Isaac decided to make the character English, but also Jewish. Given that Brits in Hollywood projects are too often played as either comedy cockneys or old-fashioned stiff upper lip types, this was a smart idea. “So I also listened to Russell Kane, the comedian, because he comes from [Enfield],” Isaac continues. “And I put in a bit of Russell Brand, even though he’s much more loquacious. And then, really, it was about finding the [character]’s emotional place. Like, why he is kind of mumbly and inward.”

Kane has commented on the news writing on Facebook: "Anyone watching MoonKnight with Golden Globe nominee Oscar Isaacs... He's bloody studied my chavvy voice for the role....."

Read the full interview here

‘Moon Knight’  comes to Disney+ from March 30.

Picture: Marvel


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