Athletico Mince Celebrates 6th Anniversary With Exclusive Content And Bonus Episodes

Athletico Mince Celebrates 6th Anniversary With Exclusive Content And Bonus Episodes

Athletico Mince,  the (sometimes but not really) football comedy podcast, celebrates its sixth anniversary this week with the launch of its brand new Acast+ feed for subscribers. 

For the past six years, co-hosts Andy Dawson and Bob Mortimer have been tickling the eardrums of millions of listeners, with their tall (and not so tall) tales of chance football encounters, regular sections featuring stories of real and fictional characters, and irreverent catchphrases.

Atletico Mince’s Acast+ feed will offer paying subscribers exclusive content, such as bonus segments, whole exclusive episodes, spin-off series, and so much more.

Dawson said: “Not only are we celebrating six years of Mince, it’s also four years this week since we first wandered into Acast’s dreamy HQ and took advantage of their hugely generous offering of complimentary snacks and confectionery.

“We’ve never looked back, and now we’re looking forwards by adding the podcast to Acast+. We’ve already got a small but devoted group of listeners of our Club Parsnips bonus episodes, and we’re hopeful that those numbers will rocket with the smooth and easy subscription action that our friends at Acast provide.

“Listeners can be assured that Club Parsnips funds will be reinvested in the finest pocket meats, chicken dippers and blue drink.”

Fans can find out more and subscribe at


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