Sunday Brunch Guests

Sunday Brunch Guests

Sundsy Brunch has some interesting guests today. They include Nish Kumar, who has recently announced that he will be setting out on a major new tour.

Maybe he will say more about the future of The Mash Report, which the BBC has not recommissioned, but there have been reports that Dave might pick it up. The tone of Sunday Brunch is pretty light so they probably won't mention the "bread roll throwing" incident or the fact that Kumar has received death threats online. At the time of the bread roll incident he said "in my defence it was only one roll and it missed me."

Also on the show is IT Crowd star Katherine Parkinson, who will be talking about her self-penned play Sitting, which is broadcast on BBC4 next week. Parkinson was also one of the stars of legal comedy Defending The Guilty, which was supposed to be shooting a second series, but has been hit by Covid.

Also appearing are comedian Tim Key and presenter Rick Edwards. Not a lot of people may know that at Cambridge Edwards worked with acclaimed comic poet Key and fellow comedian Tom Basden. 

Edwards also worked in a double act with stand up Joe Wilkinson and performed with him on the London circuit. He looked back on it with some embarrassment in an interview here: "We kind of played ourselves in that I was a kind of thrusting, entirely egocentric narcissist who’d written about 67 episodes of a sitcom entirely for himself, and Joe played my mother’s cleaner’s son, who was there merely to showcase the other parts. It was awful, but fucking funny”.

Plus music from James Arthur, nature chat from Ray Mears and food and drinks items.

Oh, and banter from Tim Lovejoy and Simon Rimmer.

Sunday Brunch, Sunday, April 4, 9.30am, C4


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