Theatre Review

Theatre Review: Dead Funny, Vaudeville Theatre

I’m so old I saw Terry Johnson’s warped comedy the first time round in 1994 when David Haig and Zoe Wanamaker played the main couple, whose marriage breakdown was played out against a backdrop of middle-aged men obsessed with deceased entertainers. Two decades on it now feels very much like a period piece - it includes a remark about a mobile phone that can remember 12, yes, 12 numbers – but a very funny one. 

Theatre Review: Groundhog Day, Old Vic

I missed the London opening of Groundhog Day in August due to a little distraction called the Edinburgh Fringe Festival so I wanted to play catch-up and the earliest ticket available for this show was for a matinee. I usually associate matinees with grannies on discount tickets huddled in the stalls to keep the domestic heating bills down. This was a full house and a standing ovation. 

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