adam riches

Preview: The Comedy Week Ahead – Dec 8 - Dec 14

There's always room for weird gigs in comedy and there are some partiuclarly werid ones this week. Tonight Karl Schultz and Joz Norris present their Over The Top Xmas Love-In at the Bloomsbury Theatre. While some of the alternative acts billed are simply great – Bridget Christie, Josie Long, Sara Pascoe, Tim Key, Liam Williams – this is also a line-up that boasts some of the oddest acts around.

Review: Adam Riches, James Acaster, Daniel Simonsen, The Invisible Dot

I was told to get in the trenches and cut back on the comedy godzillas by a reader recently so I made a trip to the the Invisible Dot's new regular Saturday Night Show last night. I'm not sure if this really counts as the trenches though. It's a swish, industrial room a spit from King's Cross station which attracts the coolest of comedy crowds (think Hacienda Club just before acid house kicked in but cosier) thanks to ID's skilful booking policy.


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