News: Charlie Brooker Returns With Isolation Wipe

News: Charlie Brooker Returns With Isolation Comedy

For the first time since the Bafta-winning 2016 Wipe, Charlie Brooker has been lured out of isolation, to go into isolation onscreen for the one-off Charlie Brooker's Antiviral Wipe (working title) 

The creator of Black Mirror will be taking a typically sharp look at life in lockdown, in a show made during lockdown. As well as coverage of the crisis itself, he'll also be looking at the things people are watching and doing to keep themselves occupied.

The show will also feature Philomena Cunk (Diane Morgan) with her own very special brand of in-depth reporting, alongside Barry Shitpeas (Al Campbell) and other contributors who, according to the BBC press release, haven't been told they're doing it yet, but have no good excuse not to. 

Charlie Brooker says: “The BBC asked me to supply a quote for the press release, which is what you’re reading now."

The transmission date of Charlie Brooker's Antiviral Wipe will be revealed in due course.


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