News: Second Series Of Deborah Frances-White Rolls The Dice Announced

deborah frances white guilty feminist

Deborah Frances-White’s hit award-winning radio comedy Deborah Frances-White Rolls The Dice is to return to Radio 4 this autumn for a second series. Series one was the winner of Best Radio Comedy at the 2016 Writers Guild Awards.

The radio comedy mixes stand-up and storytelling and has been adapted from Deborah’s acclaimed one-woman shows. Supported by a cast of household names including Thom Tuck, Alex Lowe, Celia Pacquola and Cariad Lloyd, Frances-White reveals major events in her life such as the search for her birth parents and escaping a cult. 

Series one of Deborah Frances-White Rolls The Dice will be repeated from 9th September, followed by series two airing from 8th October.

The radio show first evolved from her Edinburgh show Half a Can of Worms, which told the story of Frances-White's adoption when she was only ten days old and going on a hunt to find her birth family.

Deborah Frances-White is a comedian, screenwriter, corporate speaker and executive coach. She founded improvisation company The Spontaneity Shop in 1997 and with co-founder Tom Salinsky wrote The Improv Handbook for Bloomsbury. She currently has TV projects in development with Objective and is the co-presenter with Sofie Hagen of the Guilty Feminist podcast.

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