Ricky Gervais To Play The Hollywood Bowl With New Show Armageddon

Ricky Gervais To Play The Hollywood Bowl With New Show Armageddon

Ricky Gervais is to perform his latest show Armageddon at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles.

The gig will take place on May 6 and will be one of the biggest gigs he has played. The venue has a capacity of 17,500 - among the acts to have performed there in the past are Elton John and the Monty Python's Flying Circus team, whose 1982 show was released as a film.

Gervais tweeted the picture on this page to his 15.1 million followers and later added "I haven’t visited LA since I hosted The Golden Globes. I hope they’ve missed me as I’m playing a little outdoor stadium called The Hollywood Bowl. See you in May."

Gervais has already been performing the show in the UK at selected venues but has not announced a full tour or any shows in London yet, although he did do a number of warm-up shows at the Leicester Square Theatre earlier this year.



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