
It is hard not to watch Mascots without thinking of other films and TV programmes. Director Christopher Guest is most famous for his involvement in the Rob Reiner-directed This Is Spinal Tap and in... more
This review first appeared in the London Evening Standard here on 5/9/16.       Last week in Stockholm Amy Schumer had a heckler ejected from her show. There... more
The gig of the film of the TV sitcom...Ricky Gervais just can't shake off David Brent. He has announced more dates since this show but they sold out immediately. It wouldn't surprise me if there are... more
Josie Long finishes her run at the Soho Theatre on October 15. Tickets here. She performs the show in New York from November 19. Keep an eye out for more UK dates here. She is at the Duchess Theatre... more
I’m sure I read somewhere that Sharon Horgan writes about the stages of life she has gone through. So there was Pulling, then Catastrophe and, more recently the team effort Motherland, which is being... more
This review below comes from her run last year and first appeared in the London Evening Standard.      Dawn French’s show features an unusual sight. The 58-year-old... more
For those of you that miss TV Burp you are going to have to make sure you have Sky. Harry’s Hill’s new series is definitely not a TV Burp clone, but to this fan who mourned the passing of his ITV1... more
Others remember where they were when they heard that Princess Diana had died. I remember where I was when I read Andrew Lawrence’s famous Facebook post about the state of modern comedy and the state... more
One of the television joys in 2015 was seeing Romesh Ranganathan looking pissed off in the first series of Asian Provocateur when he tracked down his Sri Lankan relatives. Now there is the chance to... more
I’ve always liked Pajama Men. Mark Chavez  and Shenoah Allen’s physical antics and interaction can be mesmerising, inventive and surprising. They have mixed narrative and sketch format in the... more
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