
I was so distracted by the recurring car crash of The Nightly Show that a much better new ITV1 comedy series passed me by this week. Harry Hill's Alien Fun Capsule kicked off on Thursday evening and... more
As anyone who watched the spoiler-packed trailer at the end of last week's opening episode set in China will know already Sean (Ade Oyefeso) doesn't become the meat in a stir fry. Instead he just... more
Kerry gets the entrepreneurial bug this week when her screaming mum lobs her Playstation out of the window and she needs money to buy a new one. You can see that this is going to end in tears,... more
Is The Riddle of the Sphinx the best-ever Inside No 9? It is certainly the cleverest. Too clever for words one could even say. How much you relish it may, however, depend on how much of a... more
The honeymoon is definitely over. Series three of Catastrophe picks up at the point where Rob has found a receipt for the morning after pill. In an earlier scene at the end of Series 2 Sharon had... more
Maybe the theme tune should have been Things Can Only Get Better. ITV1’s much-trailed attempt at a topical comedy and chat show five nights a week started with a plodding episode that was equal parts... more
I don’t know if BBC Three needs to work on their SEO or if it is because I’m not fluent in YouTube-ing, but I struggled to find the third episode of Pls Like by googling alone (and even... more
Being taken through the six episodes via six vlog-based challenges, episode two takes us before the bright lights of Fashion and Beauty. Liam Williams joins Millipede, and this time she’s brought... more
I could pretty much watch anything that Tim Key is in, so I’m glad he is in Gap Year. I’m not sure if I’d have stuck with the opening episode without his moon-faced grin popping up soon after the... more
Never let it be said that John Shuttleworth does not respond to global events. His latest show, My Last Will And Tasty Mint, is his response to the catalogue of music business deaths in the last year... more
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